Sunday, November 30, 2014

An Editorial view on today's society.... Not my normal cup of tea.

I stopped watching the news about 3 years ago. I started to see a trend where now more than ever it was all about black and white. The country itself has lost its dignity in my eyes and I am sure in many of the countries through out the world. The issues as I see it go beyond Michael Brown and Ferguson Missouri. They go beyond every young black man gunned down on the streets whether from violence perpetrated on him or herself, or law enforcement. The issue is at the heart of how we educate, how we parent and how we see the world. We don’t have a race problem in this country we have an entitlement problem. It’s not black youth, Hispanic youth or white youth. It’s the younger generation of this country. The entitled youth being raised to either milk the system for welfare or whine and cry to get their way. I call them the trophy youth. We created a world where every child gets a trophy; ever child is equal regardless of intelligence, athletic ability, common sense and a thousand other traits that realistically put one person ahead of another in life. We taught the younger generation that they could whine and cry and get their way. We have taught children that if they are spoiled rotten children their parents have no recourse because physical punishment isn’t allowed. We have given these kids the world on a silver platter and they have taken it from us. We handed them these attitudes we have create a generation of spoiled entitled brats. Now here is where I made this abundantly clear. This is not a race thing this is a human thing. Yes I will say this as abrasively as possible. Depending on socio-economic status the way the youth handle this entitlement is very clearly different. The end result is exactly the same. We have created adults who now believe it is perfectly acceptable to do whatever the FUCK they want. The evidence of this is both Michael Brown and Darren Wilson. They both did what they wanted because they thought they could. We taught them they could. I used to be a liberal. In fact my teenage self would probably call my 30’s self a sellout. Maybe I am, however my 35 year old self hates paying taxes so that entitled brats can sit on welfare, or that entitled adults can get federally sponsored pay raises as a bribe to keep there mouths shut for executive ordered changes to immigration law. I am not a Democrat anymore and I am not a republican either. I am a concerned citizen who see’s this country for what it is. A complete failure. We are a failure on both sides of the aisle, we are failures across all socio-economic areas we are failures. We have taught are children to hate and fear because we didn’t want to teach them that human beings all human beings deserve care, but not all human beings deserve respect. We earn respect not demand it. We failed our children. We didn’t make them understand that not everyone is equal and life isn’t always fair. We failed because we made them believe that they were equal and that they could be mediocre and they would survive because someone or some entity would be there to make sure they got by. It used to be that the person who worked harder, had the better ideas and had better work ethic got ahead. Now you see people getting a head because they whined louder and no one wanted to say a word. Let me make this clear one more time. Equality is not based on skin color; it’s based on what you can produce in society. If your parents taught you, that you have nothing to offer then that is what you will be a dredge on society you will pull us all down and you will be continued to be singled out. If your parents lifted you up and told you that you were capable of achieving your goals through hard work, morality and ambition then you will become something great. To take this point even further this isn’t about sexuality either. I see the very people in our society complaining that there is still social inequality be the same people who cut down other because they love who they love. We as a country have fucked up priorities. I am saddened and disheartened they we failed to understand and seeing the growing epidemic we created. We failed our children. Now it’s time to make society understand, that this isn’t race issue. This is an issue where we have made all of today’s youth believe that they can just have what they want despite not always having the real goals and fortitude to do so. Stop looking at color and start looking at what’s wrong with our country at the fundamental level.

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