Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Mr. X found my blog....killjoy

So I get a text message from Mr. X.... it reads "I found your blog". Oh shit was what I thought. Lucky for me I genuinely like him and he pretty much comes out unscathed; however grrrr. I wanted an anonymous outlet to vent, and yes sometimes venting comes with a rant over your significant other. I am probably doing it in a better format than most woman out there as I choose to leave his name out of it. I am sure he doesn't see it that way. Right now he seems slightly amused and immediately brought up the two gay exes; however I am not amused.

Is it wrong for me to be annoyed and frustrated that he now has an open window to all my stories and inner most thoughts and feelings. In some ways I feel like this is almost a therapeutic diary. A diary in which I can say almost anything I want because of having the anonymity that creating a pseudonym gave me. I feel now like my younger sibling stole and read my diary. The thoughts and feelings I share here aren't for him. I feel violated worse than a prison inmate who just dropped the soap. My blogs are reflective of everything going on in my life. They are my good days and my bad days. There are days when I am mad and especially at him. I am sure those blogs have a potential to read loud and clear as a big Fuck You. Today I suppose is one of those days.

Am I wrong to be frustrated and mad? I am sure he doesn't share everything with me and I wouldn't want him to. I am not sure how to react here. Is my frustration and anger justified?

1 comment:

  1. yes it is justified...everyone needs an outlet to vent!

    although i laugh at the thought of him being amused about 2 gay ex's
